Preparing for your Move
When you’re moving into a new house or to a new country, it can feel like you have a never-ending list of things to do in preparation. With our Moving advice and Training centre at hand you’ll have a step-by-step guide that starts before you even begin thinking about moving boxes, and takes you up to moving day itself and beyond.
Planning the move itself is the top priority in any house moving checklist.
Inventory – Write a list of what you have to move. Do this room by room, If you are renting the property, you should make sure you have the inventory identified in your contract on hand so you can check what needs to be left, reduce disputes and speed up the return of your deposit.
Fixtures and fittings – if you are a seller, you should make sure you have your ‘Property Fixtures and Fittings Form’ to hand so you know what you have agreed to leave behind in the property. It’s easy to leave behind things like curtain rails, light fittings and carpets – but refer to the contract to make sure you take what you are entitled to move.
Move ALL your belongings – don’t forget to check the loft and out buildings like sheds. You usually always have more than you first thought!
Timings – Find out exactly what time you need to leave the property and agree with the removal company that the property will be clear by this time. You’ll also need this information when you’re actively preparing to move, as you may need to leave enough time to defrost your freezer or disconnect your washing machine.
Insurance – Check with your insurance company what cover your items have when moving. When engaging with removal companies, check what price they charge for insurance and what it covers.
Cleaning – Consider having a professional cleaning company come in after you have left. For some tenancies, this may be a contractual requirement.
When you’re moving house there are certain people that you need to notify.
Council tax – You should notify both the council for the borough you are moving into, and if different, the borough you are moving from.
Phone / Internet supplier – You will need to find out when your contract expires and what cancellation fees apply; some companies may be able to transfer your existing internet package to your new address. Set a cancellation date for when you want your current package to end, you can then look at which new packages are on offer in the area you’re moving to. Then, you can either transfer your connection to your new address or cancel your account, depending upon what best suits your new area. Remember to do this early as engineer availability is often limited – and you don’t want to live without internet access for weeks in your new home!
TV licence – You can move your licence to your new address up to 3 months before you move.
Utilities – Ring your energy supplier at least 48 hours before your move; tell them the date of your move and your new address so they can send you a final bill.
Mobile phone company – Notify your mobile network operator of your new address so that they can send you your phone bills on time.
Insurance companies – Inform insurers such as your life insurer and your car insurance provider of your new address, but make sure your car insurance details aren’t scheduled to change until the day you move in; the same applies for your contents and buildings insurance. Remember the premium can change according your new address – for better or for worse!
DVLA – If you require changes to your driving licences or log book, you will also need to tell the DVLA, as well as your insurance providers so that they can update your account details.
Work – If you are employed by a company, inform your employer and the HR department. Next, you should contact the Department of Work and Pensions to make sure that you still receive any allowances that you are entitled to. Job seekers will need to inform their job centre that they are moving.
HMRC – You need to do this even if you pay through PAYE. You can email HMRC and they will make changes to all of your records except for Child Benefit and Tax Credits. Full time students will need to contact HMRC in order to change the address details for their student loans.
Post office – You can inform the postal service that you are moving address at least 10 days in advance so that they can redirect any mail to your new home.
Notify after the Move
Finance – You will need to update your bank, building society, investments, pensions and credit card accounts so that statements are sent to your new address, or if you lose any cards, they have your most up to date details.
Health – Remember to provide your new address to your doctor, dentist and optician.
Please note that you do NOT have to tell HM Passport Office or get a new passport if you have changed address.
With your move carefully planned, taking care of the possessions to be moved should be much easier. If you’re looking for more information on how to pack properly, you can consult our guide on how to pack for moving house.
However, some items need more attention than others before they are packed.
Fridge/Freezer – Make sure you leave enough time to defrost and drain your refrigerator and freezer! 24 hours should usually suffice.
Washing machine – Unplumbing your washing machine before your house move isn’t too complicated and ideally something you can do a day or two before you move (if you have enough clean clothes!)
Gas oven / fireplace – Disconnecting a gas oven requires a Gas Safe registered gas engineer. Best to do this days (or weeks) before the move – though we would recommend booking in advance so you don’t have to find anyone to do this check last minute.
The day of the move itself should be a cause for celebration, but make sure you pay attention to these important factors.
Essentials – Keep things handy such as a folder with key contacts, telephone, email and address details. Pack a essentials box to take with you – phone charger, drinks and snacks to keep you going.
Utilities – Take a photo or note of the gas, electric and water meters – this can be a source of disputes with the new tenant(s) / buyer, so handy to have proof before you leave your old home.
Keys – Whether you are tenant, landlord or buyer, seller, never hand over keys until the contracts have been signed and completed.
At Bright-Move we are committed to help make your move a stress free experience and save you money in the process.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at info@brightmoveeuropean.com