Customer Contact Form & Self Survey
Step 1 - Use our guidelines & Self Survey Calculator to determine the volume of effects to be moved
Step 2 - Complete the Customer Contact Form and insert the volume total where noted
Step 3 - Submit and we will be in touch shortly

Self Survey Volume Calculator
Carton Calculation Guidelines
China / Glassware: When packing Kitchen China & Glass please allow 1 Medium Carton for each Kitchen cupboard door
Saucepans / Cookware: When packing Pots & Pans etc please allow 2 Large carton for each Kitchen cupboard door
Tinned Food & Jars: When packing Jars & Tins please allow 1 Small carton for each kitchen cupboard door (check the weight whilst packing to ensure no over loading)
Pictures & Mirrors: Pictures & Mirrors which are less than 17" x 17" can be packed in medium cartons ( please allow 1 carton for every 10 - 15 pictures )
Books: When packing Books allow 1 Small Carton for every Metre of Book shelving
Bedroom Linen: When packing Bedding & Pillows please allow 1 Large carton for a single bed & 2 Large cartons for a double bed
Clothing: Chests of Drawers if sturdy can be left full otherwise please allow 1 Large carton for every 3 drawers Hanging Clothes: Please allow 1 Wardrobe carton for every single door of hanging clothes
(Wardrobe cartons are usually supplied by your mover on move day )
For Moving + Packing advice and help please visit our Training Centre